These are to most dangerous for home inspectors.
Usually from an unexpected email straight out of the blue.
The home inspector has done everything right and followed his requirements under Australian Consumer Law.
But their client thinks different and decides to send the home inspector an email blaming them for something that was covered in the reporting but not read correctly.
I have stated before this creates immediate anxiety as the home inspector is firstly confused then frustrated as to why the hell is this client doing this.
What to do.
Stay calm
Ask for the Onus of Proof on each item claimed
If its compliance related, not covered
If its Structural, not covered
If it's related to items hidden, not covered
If it relates to Plumbing or Electrical, not covered
Get your acknowledged contract together and your acknowledged report and contact me for evaluation.
If you are a Housesafe Foundation member we will assess your pending claim free of charge but if you are not a current member, we will send you your membership form.
Your choice 😉